also, configuration info is built in for the additional fruit type of alfalfa. a custom soil map is built in simulating real life soil conditions in this area. This version of the map also includes configuration for the Precision Farming DLC. And, look carefully, at different times you may even spot a jumbo jet flying east or west high in the sky, with visible contrails. additionally, the train signal lights change from green to red and back again depending on the movement of the passing trains. as in Nebraska Lands, this map also features GtX's great train script, which allows multiple trains to run on the same tracks at various times of the day. a few objects, such as custom fence sections and animal pens, may not be re-purchased, as they are custom fit to the terrain of that particular farm.Īlso new to this map are the custom trains. All objects on each of the player farms can be sold off.

There are several forested areas around the map to buy and jump into logging.Īll of the player usable farms on the map are built out at game start, when buying a farm, you get all the objects on that parcel of land, which you may then keep or sell, at your discretion. just drop off your logs at the designated area to get paid. There is a log sell point on the map at the old sawmill up in the hills northeast of town. There are transport missions, hauling pallets of stuff from one place to another, also field missions on most of the fields. This map embraces the many new features of the 2019 game, much of the land is buyable, including all the field areas as well as several wooded or empty lots around the map, even a couple of the grass lots located in the town. alfalfa may be mown, windrowed and baled, same as grass, to feed your animals or may be collected with a loading wagon to be used to fill the fermenting silos to make silage. This may be either baled up for cattle bedding or to sell, or may be collected with a loading wagon to use at the Razwood Factory to make pre-compost.Īlso like Nebraska Lands, this map incorporates alfalfa as an additional crop type. when harvesting your corn with a combine, you may switch on the windrow, which will lay down a corn stalks swath. This map, as in Nebraska Lands USA, incorporates baleable corn stalks.
this mod really comes to life when running Seasons, as it responds to the moisture levels in the ground, more moisture equals more mud. however, in other places, after a rain (and during) the ground will become muddy. there are places, like the water puddles around the map, where it is always muddy. Standing in front of the output auger will cause info to appear in the F1 menu, showing the graintype that is currently in the bin, as well as the amount of that grain and the percentage full.Īlso in this map, as first premiered in Nebraska Lands, is true dynamic mud. Due to the new script, ONLY one grain may be stored at a time, to switch to a different grain, all of the original grain must be removed first, as in real life. In this map, the individual GSI bin, Butler bin, Brock bin & the Large bin use the new script from GtX to allow any grain crop to be stored in the bin, unlike before, when only one grain type was allowed. (distance mesh changes color with the seasons snow) (Seasons overrides any map lighting settings, however, in favor of its own) The map also utilizes a custom distance scenery terrain mesh to simulate the rolling hills off in the distance all around the map. This map includes the Multi Terrain Angle feature for realistic field texture appearance when working the soil, also includes custom ground textures and crop textures, as well as custom lighting.

When the sun comes out, the water levels will start to recede, back down to their normal levels. Additionally, a floodplane script has been added to the map to allow the lake and waterway levels to rise as it rains, all the way up to flood stage if the rain is heavy enough. foliage layers will change colors according to the season and the waterways and the lake will freeze over if the ground temps are below freezing, and folks will have to light their fireplaces. a seasonsmask has been added to the map and all placeables have been edited to work with Seasons as well.
Welcome to Midtown USA 2019, a full featured 4x map with accurately scaled file sizes (many 4x maps use the standard game size map weight, gdm and grle files, causing poor performance) and full Seasons compatibility.